Happy Earth Day!
personal Earth Day altar 2017
Today I want to share with you guys, something that I wrote after a grounding meditation on Earth Day last year.
“I am motivated, moving through my creative flow. I don’t stop to question myself. I seize the moment and take the chances. When I meet people I am full of life, full of magic, wholly and totally my authentic self. Every day I work to make myself the best version of me: the highest functioning me—Higher Vibrations. I am an artist, I am a creator, it is ingrained in my being.
I look at the world as God’s ever changing masterpiece. The clouds in perfect brush strokes, the sky a wash of color, each mountain uniquely carved, each sunset a work of art. There is so much you can learn from this world. I am learning to Heal with its deep seeded secrets. To ground. To sit with my feelings as I breathe in peace lifted on the air in my lungs; air of an atmosphere created to inspire life. The world is Healer: A life ever renewing. Just as our skin, our hair, our cells ever renew. We are made in likeness, we are made perfectly.”
I hope on this Earth Day, during this troubling time, that you find some time to sit outdoors and breathe in the stillness of the universe. Allow the sunshine to nurture you. Feel the caress of the wind against your skin. Listen to the sounds of nature. And know, you are home.
Sending all my love,
K. Ezzell